- Get College Access updates like College Scorecard data for colleges, College Insight data for download, the new Common App mobile app, the Common Black College Application, and upcoming deadlines for Early Decision and Early Action
- Get Financial Aid & Scholarship updates like how to follow FAFSA on social media, and #Cash4Colleges across the Bay Area this fall
- Get Career Exploration & Planning updates like how to use career assessments with your students to identify majors
- Explore Events for Educators and Advisors like a webinar on supporting California foster youth from high school to community college, local college fairs offered by NACAC, and a webinar on effective math instruction
- Check out Resources for Educators and Advisors like editorial cartoons on education from U.S. News, a new report on 2017 statewide longitudinal data systems, and the Calm Schools Initiative
Mer's NewslettersI get a lot of great news, tips, and opportunities and I'm all about sharing them widely to my networks and beyond! Archives
June 2020