- Get College Access updates like colleges with later application deadlines, the Common Black College App, alternative methods of application review by Common App, CSU Campus Preview Days for Spring 2020, a question regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress, and new laws coming into effect January 1 that affect foster youth and homeless youth
- Get Financial Aid & Scholarship updates like the Senate's bipartisan agreement to fund HBCUs
- Get Career Exploration & Planning updates like the feds release of wage data by college major using College Scorecard, and O*Net's Competency Frameworks
- Explore Events for Educators and Advisors like a webinar on turning bad data into good data, a webinar on building more resilient leadership, the CHEBNA 2020 Summit, and the Transition Age Youth Conference
- Check out Resources for Educators and Advisors like education in the 2020 Presidential race, an increase to the Federal Child Care Program's budget, mindfulness as a simple way to lead better, raising successful kids by focusing on kindness, Lumina Foundation's report "Unlocking the Nation's Potential: A Model To Advance Quality and Equity in Education Beyond High School," UCLA's interactive map with CA county profiles spotlighting homelessness, the U.S. Census Bureau's new Statistics in Schools program, 26 mini-films for exploring race and identity with students, and Roadtrip Nation's documentary "Community Driven"
This is the last issue of 2019!
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This is the last issue of 2019!
Mer's NewslettersI get a lot of great news, tips, and opportunities and I'm all about sharing them widely to my networks and beyond! Archives
June 2020